
Devils backbone baldy
Devils backbone baldy

devils backbone baldy

Group shot at Baldy Notch as we get ready to hike to the top of Mount Baldy We continue up the road to the top of the second ski lift where the Devils Backbone Trail begins We spoke about good hikes in the area, and a bit about the forum itself, but mostly we just hiked along and enjoyed the views, which kept getting better the higher we climbed. We took a few official group photos up at the top of the lift, at Baldy Notch, then started hiking upward on one of the dirt roads that serve the ski area. Video as we ascend to Baldy Notch on the Mt. We were early so we parked down near Manker Flat on Mt. I’m fairly tough, but just one of those adventures would easily kick my butt. Anyway, these two were known for cranking out thirty-plus mile days with over ten thousand feet of elevation gain, so I was glad we were taking an easy day today. If you’re observant, you can tell a lot about a person’s character based on their writing, so I wasn’t too worried about being kidnapped by “strangers” from the evil internet. I’d read about their adventures on the internet, which is why I felt like I already knew them. Both of them were strong hikers, much stronger than me. One was Sean, the boss of the forum, and the other was Elwood. They were fellow members of the San Gabriel Mountains Discussion Forum (aka ) and we were meeting here on the first of what was to become a new tradition of regular group hikes. We hadn’t met them before, at least not in person, so it took a bit of time to recognize them. While waiting in the parking lot, two other companions arrived. Or it would have, if anyone had bothered to arrive on time and take our money. Much like thousands of others in the past, we arrived at the Manker Flat campground about sunrise, and hiked up Mt Baldy Road to the ski lift, which opened at seven. I’d never been there, and was looking forward to it. And the best part about this hike was that we would walk along a precipitous ridge on the famous Devils Backbone Trail. While this isn’t exactly easy, other routes up Baldy are far more strenuous. We intended to do this hike via the easiest possible route, ascending 1300 feet on a motorized Ski Lift with no effort whatsoever, followed by a relaxing 2300 foot climb to the summit. Baldy, elevation 10064 feet) via the Devils Backbone Trail as a day hike. My son and I climbed Mount San Antonio (Mt.

Devils backbone baldy